This Sunday

This Sunday

  • Sunday, March 2

    Last Sunday after Epiphany
    March 2 at 10:00 a.m.

    (Video Now Available)

    We will conclude our worship series on Spiritual Resilience this Sunday, led by our Nicaragua team to learn about Going Forth, changed by our experiences and ready to make change in the world.

    The bulletin is available HERE

    Good News! Our Elevator is Repaired & Operating Again!
    Thank you to Tom Humphrey for his time and effort working with our elevator service contractors to resolve the problem.

Serving on Sunday

Scripture Reader Sign-Up

If you are joining our Sunday worship, please consider signing up as a Scripture Reader for any of our upcoming services.

Scripture Reader Sign-up: HERE  Thank you!


Sunday Reception Sign-Up

Every Sunday after worship we gather on the stage for a time of fellowship. This reception is hosted each Sunday by different members of the congregation.

Reception Sign-up: HERE   Thank you!