Past Services

Past Services

Past Worship Services

Sunday, March 23

Service at 10:00 a.m.
(In-Person and on Zoom!)

Our Lenten season worship continues this Sunday with a lesson from Luke’s Gospel about discernment and a Stewardship testimony from Stewardship Chair Kent Wittler.

Continue Sunday, March 23

Sunday, March 16

Service at 10:00 a.m.
(Video Now Avaialble)

Our Lenten season worship, making space for the gifts of our faith, continues this Sunday with a lesson from Luke’s Gospel about humility.

Continue Sunday, March 16

Sunday, March 9

Service at 10:00 a.m.
(Rcording Now Available!)

Our Lenten season worship begins this Sunday with the story of the Good Samaritan and an exploration of how we can make space for compassion in our own lives and hearts.

Continue Sunday, March 9

Sunday, March 2

Service at 10:00 a.m.
(Video Now Available)

We will conclude our worship series on Spiritual Resilience this Sunday, led by our Nicaragua team to learn about Going Forth, changed by our experiences and ready to make change in the world.

Continue Sunday, March 2

Sunday, February 23

Service at 10:00 a.m.

Recording Now Available!

We continue our worship series on Spiritual Resilience this Sunday, engaging in practices of seeing our power with new eyes, as we continue to read the stories of Jesus’ ministry from the Gospel of Luke. 

Continue Sunday, February 23

Sunday, February 16

Service at 10:00 a.m.

(Sorry, No Video Available)

We continue our worship series on Spiritual Resilience this Sunday, engaging in practices of compassion and honoring our own pain for the world, as we continue to read the stories of Jesus’ ministry from the Gospel of Luke. 

Continue Sunday, February 16

Sunday, February 9

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Service at 10:00 a.m.

Recording Now Available

We will continue our worship series on Spiritual Resilience this Sunday, beginning again by rooting ourselves in gratitude. We will also commission our Nicaragua Travelers, as they prepare to leave for their mission next week.  

Continue Sunday, February 9

Sunday, February 2

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Service at 10:00 a.m.

Recording Now Available

We continue our worship series on Spiritual Resilience this Sunday with a reading of the Gospel stories of Jesus healing on the Sabbath and choosing his 12 apostles.

Continue Sunday, February 2