Choir & Music
Music is an integral part of our Sunday worship. We understand that music is more akin to prayer than a performance. Through song and sound we minister to the hearts of those gathered in ways words alone cannot.
As such, one need not have a particular degree of musical skill or acumen to join in singing with the choir or participating in the music program. All one needs is a desire to make something beautiful together and to offer it freely to all who gather.
When it is safe to gather in person, the choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:00 in the sanctuary and immediately following worship in the Choir Room upstairs. Our bell choir brings added joy and celebration to our services. Bell choir rehearses on Sunday mornings just before worship, and additionally as needed.
Please join us to sing, ring bells, or to add your instrument to worship. To volunteer or ask questions, please reach out to our Music Minister, Mijin Choi.