Care & Support
In the joys and struggles of life, we are here as a sanctuary for you.
Pastoral Care & Connection
Our Pastors, Rev. Megan Berkowitz and Rev. Amy Clark Feldman, are here for you to offer prayer or pastoral support. Pastor Megan’s office phone is 617-965-3893. Pastor Amy’s cell phone for calls or texts is 617-938-8112.
Deacons & Community Support
At the Union Church in Waban, we are blessed to be a community that cares for one another, providing meals, prayer, visits, and other support as we experiences the joys and challenges of life. The Deacons often coordinate such care within the community. Our Parents Group, Youth Groups, Lunch Bunch, Wellspring Women’s Group, and Java Gents are also groups that offer mutual care and support as we life and grow together in our faith. To learn more about how you can connect to community and support, please reach out to one of our pastors.