Maundy Thursday

During each week of Lent, congregants shared a moment of illumination and let a candle to symbolize our desire to walk with Jesus through this season. Tonight those same congregants brought us through the final hours of Jesus life. As they did those candles that were lit were extinguished one by one. Until only one light remained – the light of the world. Learn More

Online Service: Sunday March 28

We began our special Palm Sunday service with a very special offering led by our UCW children and youth. The children shared their art, music, dance, moments of illumination, and tell the story of Holy Week, beginning with the waving of Palms through Holy Saturday’s waiting at the tomb. We’re so grateful for their leadership in this special beginning to our Holy Week and walk to Easter!

Following our Walk Through Holy Week with our children and youth, Pastor Stacy shared a special message with us. Learn More