JAVA Gents

Friday, Sept. 27 at 7:00 a.m.
( In-Person)

Java Gents will gather next Friday morning  at Dan and Brian Heffernan’s home.

JAVA Gents is the informal get-together of the men of the UCW congregation (and community). The group aims to provide friendly fellowship and mutual support. We will enjoy a lively discussion of timely topics as well as personal goings on in our lives.  Learn More

Ice Cream and Sharing from Puerto Rico!

Thursday, July 18 at 6:30 pm

As many know, Pastor Amy and 20 members of our congregation – mostly high school and college youth – travelled to Puerto Rico during the last week of June. We’ll gather for ice cream sundaes and fellowship as the Youth & Mentors from the Puerto Rico Mission Trip share about their experiences. Don’t miss out on this generational fun and learning! Learn More

Bake Sale for Puerto Rico and Youth Mission Trip

Thank you!

The Youth would like to share a huge Thank You to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser for our Puerto Rico Mission Trip (June 22-29)!   Thanks to your generous donations of baked goods, your purchases of goodies, and your volunteer help, we were able to raise over $1000 to support our mission partners and provide scholarship funds for our kids who are traveling.  Learn More