“The meaning of the Sabbath is to celebrate time rather than space. Six days a week we live under the tyranny of things of space; on the Sabbath we try to become attuned to holiness in time.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath
We’ll read in this Sunday’s scripture passage about conflicts between Jesus and other Jewish religious leaders at the time over the observance of Sabbath restrictions. This, and other similar passages, have given rise to generations of interpretation that sets Jesus against religious authority, against Judaism, and against the Law. Jesus, however, doesn’t overturn the laws of the Sabbath, but rather interprets them and claims authority over their observance.
Taking a closer look at this text invites us to find the gifts awaiting us in Sabbath time. Rabbi Abraham Joshue Heschel’s book The Sabbath emphasizes the element of time over space and things in Sabbath observance; turning from that which anchors us to the physical, to space, to things, allows us to experience depths of time more fully and, in doing so, for our spirits to be joined with the Spirit of God.
In anxious times, we need Sabbath more than ever. Practices of turning off technology; of resting for the sake of rest, not for the sake of renewal for work; of simplifying our lives; of setting aside time to be present to ourselves, our loved ones and to God: these practices of Sabbath are life-giving to our spirits if we are overwhelmed with the pace and demands of life, and in need of a renewed relationship with our spirits, our time, and our prayer.
Even if just for a few hours a week, are there ways you can invite Sabbath practices into your life, to enjoy the Sabbath that Jesus tells us was made for the sake of humankind?
“What is the Sabbath? Spirit in the form of time. With our bodies we belong to space; our spirit, our souls, soar to eternity, aspire to the holy. The Sabbath is an ascent to the summit.” – Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Sabbath
Past Posts
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