Flat Jesus – Summer 2024
This week (1/29), Flat Jesus visited with Pastor Amy and the Pazmiños, embarked on a cruise to Canada with Jean W. and Judy M., and sampled the flavors at Pastor Megan’s hometown ice cream store. Where has your Flat Jesus been? Send pictures to Pastor Megan at [email protected] to share!

Stay in touch with the UCW community, and remember that we are all part of one Body even as we travel separately from one another over the summer, by taking your very own Flat Jesus with you on your summer adventures!
The Deacons have prepared Flat Jesuses for us all to decorate and take home. Whether he accompanies you around the world or around the block, take a picture with your Flat Jesus and email it to Pastor Megan. At the end of the summer, when we return to regular worship in September, we’ll gather the photos and the Flat Jesuses and share about our time apart. Haven’t picked up a Flat Jesus in worship during June? Email Pastor Megan and she can send one in the mail, or for you to print at home.