UCW at The Waban Fair

Come Help Out

at the

UCW Tent for the Waban Fair

Next Weekend, Sunday, May 19

(right across the train tracks from us!) 

Anytime between 9:30-2:30 p.m.

Ways to volunteer:

9:00-10am: Set up and bring materials over from church

10-2 pm: One-hour shifts (or whatever you can do):

  • Greeters to chat about UCW
  • Face painters (we’ll have the supplies)
  • Fun helpers with kids crafts

2-2:30: Pack up/clean up

Bake Goodies:

  • Bring baked goods (nut-free, something that won’t melt, in separate bags) to hand out at our tent  by 10:00 a.m. on  Sunday, the day of the fair


  • Drop off at Johnson house (131 Windsor Road, Waban) starting Saturday, May 18 (we’ll have a labelled cooler outside our front door for donations!)


Questions? Call, text or email Linda Lynch
(617-694-5228, or [email protected]). 


Sign up to Volunteer : HERE