“The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn.”
Isaiah 61:1-2
Last Sunday, I mentioned that Advent isn’t just a season of celebration but also one of prophetic longing: a vision of how the world might be, looking at things through God’s eyes, while still looking clearly at the world as it is. This text from Isaiah is one of many examples of readings that we share during Advent that express this prophetic longing. Mary’s Magnificat, which Amy preached about a few weeks ago, is another one.
Prophetic longing understands both the needs in the world which caused God to come to dwell among us, and the transformational hope we come to know in Christ. That longing isn’t confined to the people in the Bible or to Biblical times. This Advent, what is the prophetic longing on your heart? How can you proclaim it?
Past Posts
- From Our PastorsMegan Berkowitz
March 7, 2025
It was a gift to pray with so many of you throughout the day on Ash Wednesday and at our ecumenical evening service. I appreciated how thoughtful and open everyone I spoke with was about the intentions they were setting for Lent. Learn More - From Our Pastors: February 14 2025Megan Berkowitz
February 14, 2025
I had the great privilege of visiting the new FamilyAid Family Navigation Center on Washington Street for the first time this week. Speeches were made, a ribbon was cut with many giant scissors, and people from throughout the Commonwealth who care about supporting homeless families gathered to celebrate and network together. The most inspiring part of the day for me, though, was the tour. Learn More - From Our Pastors: February 7, 2025Amy Clark Feldman
February 7, 2025
I’ve been especially grateful this week for our eight-week series on Spiritual Resiliency. Truth-be-told, I’ve had moments of doubting my resiliency in the face of the on-slaught of news this week, with a desire to pull the covers over my head. Learn More - From Our Pastors: January 31, 2025Pastor Megan
January 31, 2025
We’ll read in this Sunday’s scripture passage about conflicts between Jesus and other Jewish religious leaders at the time over the observance of Sabbath restrictions. This, and other similar passages, have given rise to generations of interpretation that sets Jesus against religious authority, against Judaism, and against the Law. Learn More - From Our Pastors: January 24 2025Pastor Megan
January 24, 2025Staying Grounded
Given the tremendous outpouring of news this week, beginning with TikTok and the Presidential inauguration and continuing through executive orders and new wildfires, I have been feeling overwhelmed. I’m working to take it all in a little bit at a time, to stay open and stay grounded. Learn More - From Our Pastors: January 17, 2025Pastor Megan
January 17, 2025Spiritual Resilience
Last Sunday was the first in an 8-week worship series on Spiritual Resilience, where we will together explore how tools from Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects and from Christian scripture and tradition can help us all to foster spiritual resilience through challenging times.
Learn More - MOSAICPastor Amy
January 10, 2025
Last week, nearly 40 youth came from all around Newton and Boston, almost exactly one-third from the Muslim Al-Huda Society in Chelsea; one-third from the Jewish community; and one-third from Christian churches. Learn More - From Our PastorsPastor Megan
January 3, 2025
The new year is a time when many of us choose to reflect on what is behind us and what is ahead. I have a few traditions at the new year: Learn More