San Juan del Sur
June 21, 2023
Dear: The Union Church in Waban,
Receive cordial greetings from me, hoping that everyone enjoys wonderful health in these difficult days. The reason for this letter is to inform you of all the events that have occurred throughout these days.
I am very happy, I am about to finish my studies, these long and tiring years of effort are paying off, I feel very satisfied with everything that I have been achieving in this time, it has been a process of growth both as a student and as a person.
I am doing very well in my classes, the work is a little longer and more demanding, more so now that we are in the final stretch of my studies. I am currently doing internships at the hospital on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and it is a little more exhausting due to my job, but I’m always doing my best.
In the community service work of the Fundación, I continue to work with my group of colleagues, I have not been able to incorporate fully this year due to time in practice and work, but I am making a greater effort to be able to comply with it, in the end it is also something that I like it and I would like to be more closely in this social project.
I was involved in a traffic accident recently, thank God I had only minor blows but my motorcycle was badly damaged by the recklessness of another vehicle.
My family has been very well thanks to God, always enjoying good health, my older sister, who was blessed by your help in the past, is very close to giving birth to her first child, the whole family is anxious for the coming of a new member of the family.
With this I say goodbye first, thanking for all the support in this situation we are in, my family and I will always be grateful and may God bless me today and always.
Regards, Marvin.