Easter Sunday

6:15 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service (In Person)
Early risers, join us for this informal service as we watch the swans and turtles wake up and greet the Easter sunrise with songs and shouts of Alleluia! Pastor Amy and family lead this service. We’ll meet in the Wellesley Office Park, behind the building at45 Williams Street (the sign says 45 Wellesley Office Park, click to see a map – it’s on the opposite side of the Charles River from Quinobequin Rd.). After you turn onto 45 Williams, go under the building and look to your right – you’ll see an entrance to the Charles River Reservoir. Park and walk down the path until you find Crowley’s Landing. The path is fully wheelchair and stroller accessible. Please call Pastor Amy’s cell (617-938-8112) if you have trouble finding us.

11:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt – Can you help the Easter Bunny?
Join us for our beloved Easter Egg Hunt following worship! The Easter Bunny has lots of colorful eggs, but could use some help finding some candy (individually-wrapped, no nuts), stickers, or other goodies to put in them. If you can help, please leave any donations outside Pastor Amy’s office or email her ([email protected]) to arrange a pick up. Thank you!

Special Easter Collection
In this time of Easter, of Renewal, and of Celebration we are reminded of rebirth and of God’s Creation as we enjoy the beauty of Spring revealed.
We have the opportunity with our special Easter offering to support Green Newton (website here) and the work they do to combat climate change and improve our environment. In doing so they also work for climate justice for all and work for housing density to combat our current environmental crisis. If you would like to make a contribution to Green Newton, please use the link below.