Celebrating the Life of Bev Hadley, Service Details, Weds, Feb. 16

The Hadley family would like to invite friends and members
of the church to join them for

A Service in Celebration of the Life of
Beverly Hadley
The Union Church in Waban
on Wednesday, February 16th
at 10a.m.

  • Zoom Link: HERE
  • Meeting ID: 870 2138 4345
  • Passcode: 329888
  • Dial in only: 1-646 558 8656 US (New York)

Following this service, the family will gather for a private graveside service, and then invite all to join them at a reception at 12p.m., Paddy’s Public House, 95 Elm St. West Newton


In lieu of flowers, donations in Beverly’s name may be made to the Union Church in Waban

Service video: