Call For Nominations

Call For Nominations

Feeling called to be more active at UCW?
Get involved next year!

The Union Church Nominating Committee (Co-Moderators, Senior Deacon and a member-at-large) is charged with seeking nominations for church leadership positions that are voted on at our Annual Meeting. Please help by nominating yourself or someone you think would find committee work to be a blessing. A list of opportunities is below. Email your nominations to the Nominating Committee in care of Alison McCarty, [email protected].
Nominations will be taken from the floor at our Annual Meeting, but we encourage submitting names by May 10th so that we will have an opportunity to contact the nominees.
Thank you!
Lisa Crockett, Frank Laski, Jim MacDonald and Alison McCarty

Leadership needed:

  • One Co-Moderator to serve a three year term – two as Co-Moderator and one as Immediate Past Co-Moderator.
  • Two or more Deacons to serve a three year term (none have stepped down, but there is interest in expanding the number)
  • Three Co-chairs for Mission: the overall Committee, Advocates for Racial Justice plus members for all mission committees
  • Co-Leaders for Youth Ministry
  • Members for Childrens’ Ministry
  • Members for the Building Committee (care of our physical plant)
  • Members for our Stewardship Committee
  • A member for our Human Relations Committee
  • Young family members for our Worship Team
In addition to these elected roles, we are always in search of membership for our various activities, including this year our Worship Tech Team. and our Communication Committee (overseeing the web site and public relations).
More information about these various roles and current membership is available on the church web site on the Governance tab,
We will take nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting in early June, but nominations are appreciated by May 10th. Please email to [email protected].