This Sunday: Marking One Year of Covid-19 – Lament, Hope, and Healing
We invite all children, youth, and adults to a special outdoor intergenerational service to mark the one-year anniversary of the closing of schools, and the last time we gathered in person for worship. We’ll look back over the year, find peace in our present moment together, and hope for the months ahead, creating a beautiful work of hands-on community art. Please gather with us in front of the church from 4-5pm (masked and distanced), and invite neighbors and friends! Please help us plan and keep track of who’s coming by RSVPing below:
EXTRA NOTE for Kids and Families: Kids are invited to lead our online Palm Sunday Service on March 28th, as we tell the story of Holy Week with story, art, and music (live or pre-recorded). On Sunday, March 14th, Pick-up your Palms, an activity for Easter morning, costumes, and check in about how you’d like to participate. Contact Pastor Amy ([email protected]) if you can’t be there on the 14th and we’ll arrange to bring things to you!