Online Service: Sunday August 2, 2020

Sunday August  2nd – 10 a.m. Worship

Sabbath Rest

Our theme for the month of August is Sabbath. Throughout the month, we will explore how God calls us to rest, trust, and make space in our days and homes to experience the holy.  
On August 2nd, we gathered to share Communion, and invited everyone to come to the worship service with their Bible, and some type of cracker or bread, and juice or water. 
Gerry Elion read our scripture, including a selection from Psalm 62 and the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10; and Alison McCarty served as our liturgist.  Rev. Amy Clark Feldman shared a message, and invited members of the congregation to also share their reflections. 

Watch the Aug. 2nd Worship here:

A link to the bulletin is available HERE