Remote Mentoring for Russell School Students

Remote Mentoring for

Russell School Students

As most of you know, we have a partnership with one of the Boston Public Schools in Dorchester, the Russell school. It is a K-5 school that serves a large immigrant population, and also has a lot of homeless families.

Given their location in Uphams Corner it has always been difficult to maintain a presence at this school. But now that we are all remote and all schools online only until at least May 4th, we could make a difference online!

If you are interested in having a zoom / face-time / skype call with one or more Russell student on a regular basis, please let me know. We would like to offer 30-60 minute time-blocks throughout the week, ideally during school hours. You can tell me a preference for grade-level, and what kind of subject you would like to cover (reading , math, science) or just want to make a connection. I will work with the principal to pair people up.

Most students will have access to a device since Boston has purchased a large number of Chrome-books to support all these kids, especially the ones without technology at home. If you are unable to help with this, you could also consider making a donation to the BPS to cover the cost of all these chrome-books. They have spend $ 5.5 million on them, without any budget-line for this. So far they have recovered 30% through donations, so there is still quite a gap to fill. You can make a donation here:

Donations can be made HERE (and specify Chromebooks BPS).