“Fear of the Other – No Fear in Love” beginning March 4th and running for five weeks throughout the season of Lent.This curriculum written by Rev. William Willimon, a Methodist Pastor and Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, emphasizes according to one review “the biblical mandate to receive Others in their particularity and difference as gifts and mysteries bearing the grace of God. Willimon also offers a strong critique of the privileged who all too often rush to language of reconciliation and evade the huge inequalities surrounding conversations and practices dealing with xenophobia and injustice. Willimon eschews “the imperialism of liberalism’s sweeping embrace” and identifies concrete, everyday ways persons are formed in welcoming others without annihilating their differences.” If you are interested in engaging in what promises to be a salient study for our times, please be in touch with Pastor Stacy so that she can order the number of study guides we will need to take our journey together.