Palm Sunday, April 14.
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy week and Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. As we remember the story from long ago, we take time to consider our own walk of faith and how we, too, are challenged to bring God’s love into the death-dealing places of our day.
Maundy Thursday Service, April 18, 6:15 p.m.
Our worship begins with a light meal as we join with Jesus in sharing a meal and remember his commandment to love each other as he has loved us. (“Maundy” is the Latin word for “commandment”). As the light fades, we move into our Tenebrae portion of the service where we move through scripture and song with Jesus and the disciples as the events of Holy Week unfold. “Tenebrae” is the Latin word for “darkness” and it is therefore during this time that we contemplate our own brokenness and weakness in the light of God’s powerful message of redemptive love. Child care will be available. There will be a suggested donation of $5/individual or $20 cap for families to help cover the cost of our simple supper.
Good Friday, April 19, 7:00 p.m.
On this day, we take time to be with the places of loss and brokenness in our own lives and in the life of the world as we enter into quiet reflection, silence and prayer together.
Easter Sunrise Service, April 21, 5:45 a.m.
We will gather together as the sun rises to welcome the Risen Christ through song, prayer, and word. We will meet behind Wilson Chapel, at 210 Herrick Rd, Newton Centre.
Easter Sunday Worship, April 21, 10:00 a.m.
With joy and thanksgiving, we celebrate the gift of Easter. Children are invited to share in worship, though we will have nursery care available. After the service, there will be an Easter Egg hunt.