Palm Sunday, March 25th.
Palm Sunday marks the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem, with waving palms and shouts of Hosanna. This year the children and youth will lead us in worship and walk us through the story of Holy Week. As they do, we are invited to consider our own walk of faith, and how we too may experience God’s love in the death-dealing places of our day.
Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae Service, March 29, 6:15 p.m.
Our worship begins with a light meal as we join with Jesus’ Last Supper. As the light fades, we move into our Tenebrae portion of the service where we move through scripture and song with Jesus and the disciples as the events of Holy Week unfold. “Tenebrae” is the Latin word for “darkness” and it is therefore during this time that we contemplate our own brokenness and weakness in the light of God’s powerful message of redemptive love. Child care will be available. Suggested donation of $5/individual or $20 cap for families.
Good Friday, March 30.
The sanctuary will be open from 4-7:00 p.m. giving us space in this Holy Week to light candles of prayer or sit in silence as perhaps we feel called to contemplate, not only all that Jesus endured on that first Good Friday so long ago, but the crucifying powers of our day as well. This time of quiet will include a contemplative prayer gathering from 6-6:30 p.m.
Easter Sunrise Service, April 1, 6:15 a.m., outside Wilson Chapel at Andover Newton Theological School, 210 Herrick Rd, Newton Center.
As we gather at the dawning of the day, we will give God praise for the Risen Son, Christ our Lord.
Easter Sunday Worship, April 1, 10:00 a.m.
With joy and thanksgiving we will celebrate the enduring power of Love and the affirmation that there is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God. Children are invited to stay in the sanctuary for the entirety of our Easter worship, though we will have nursery care available. Immediately after worship, the children will have their much beloved Easter Egg Hunt.