Updates for April 20, 2013

Bible Study will be led by Kathryn Henderson and will meet in Stacy’s office this Sunday at 8:00 a.m. We are currently reading the book of Matthew. Anyone is welcome to join in.



April 22 is Earth Day, so this Sunday, April 21, we’ll be celebrating our connection with the planet and the natural world during the morning worship service through special music and readings. Go here for the stewardship resources used in the worship service.

Later that afternoon there is a special program at Society of St. John the Evangelist for anyone who would like to explore some of these themes more fully. See more details here.




There will be a meeting of the Russell School Initiative on Monday evening, April 22 at 6:30 p.m.

Living Waters Prayer Group will meet Wednesday morning at 7:30 in the side chapel.


This month’s visit to Waban Health will be on Thursday, April 25 at 10:30 a.m. Let Stacy know if you would like to join her.

Exploring Sacred Spaces: Day Trip to the Boston College Labyrinth and Episcopal Monastery in Cambridge on Sunday, April 28, noon to 5:30 p.m. Click here for more details.


Clean Up Day is May 4th at the Union Church. Please join us to work inside or outside together to beautify our building and grounds! Arrive anytime after 8:00 a.m.and stay for an hour, or as long as you can. LOTS TO DO for everyone of all ages.


Plan to attend the committee fairs that we will be hosting on April 28th and May 5th. Join us on the stage during reception, learn about the opportunities in our various committees, and see if one might be a fit for you!

Come join us at the All-Comers party on Friday, May 3rd!

You may be thinking, “What a ridiculous name for a party! I wonder why they call it All-Comers.” Well, we used to call it “New-Comers,” and people wondered how new they had to be in order to attend. It was very confusing. But just like our church, this party is inclusive. Bring your kids, bring your spouse, bring yourself even if you haven’t been to church in years. We’d love to see you on Friday, May 3rd from 6:30-8:30ish. For more details, contact the office, or call 617-527-6221.


C.E. News

The next Youth Group meeting is Friday, April 26, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at church.

Camp “Sing, Serve and Soar,” a 2 1/2 day Summer Camp at UCW Wednesday evening, June 26 through Friday afternoon June 28. Come for part or all of the camp. See the bulletin board in the Crocker Chapel or go here for more information.