To mark the beginning of the forty-day season of Lent there will be an Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 pm on Wednesday evening, February 22. The labyrinth will be set up in the side chapel and will remain there throughout Lent as a place for prayer and quiet mediation.
The Sunday School observes “Shrove Tuesday” on Sunday with a pancake breakfast. Kids should bring their cooking enthusiasm and their appetites. All kids will gather together for the event in the Vestry following the Time for Children.
The More Than Words Book Drive continues. Donations may be left in the boxes in the side chapel.
Follow the Nicaragua trip on Facebook: and on the blog
Stacy is traveling in Nicaragua as well and returns February 28. For pastoral needs, contact Deacon of the Month, Wanda Getchell (617-529-5001).
Prayer Group meets Monday mornings at 7:30 in the side chapel. While Stacy is in Nicaragua, Sandra DaDalt will lead on February 20, and Heidi Ward on February 27.
Bible Study will not meet on February 19, but will resume on February 26 and will be led on that day by Heidi Ward.
Can you help out in Sunday School on March 4? One volunteer is needed to assist Kathy with a One Room Church School on this day. No preparation is required. Just show up and assist. Let Kathy know if you can help.