We invite you to worship with us this Sunday, November 8, The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost. The preacher is your interim minister, The Rev. Rob Asinger. His sermon is titled "Living Water." The choir will sing "Down to the River to Pray," an Appalachian song arranged by Sheldon Curry.
"Pickup Choir" this Sunday, Nov. 8. All members invited to sing in the choir this Sunday. There will be a short rehearsal before worship at 9:00 a.m. No need to read music, just a love of singing!
Lunch Bunch will meet on Wed., Nov. 11 at 12 Noon in the reception room.
Church Clean-up Day will be held on Sat., Nov. 14. Please come ready to rake leaves, complete with gloves and rakes! Thanks.
Mission: Next Sunday, Nov. 15 our service will offer music, pictures and stories from Brita and Wanda on Zambia and our partnership with Communities Without Borders, especially our designated community of M’tendere.
Thanksgiving basket items are due by Sunday, Nov. 15.
The Book Group will meet on Mon., Nov. 16 at 7:30 to continue discussing "Losing Moses on the Freeway" by Chris Hedges. They will concentrate on chapters II, III, and X.