We invite you to worship with us this Sunday, October 25, The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. The preacher is our interim, The Rev. Rob Asinger. His sermon is titled "A Forward Looking Faith." The choir will sing "Song of Joy, Song of Praise" by James Brighton. Church School welcomes special guest Pam Grignaffini from Heifer International.
Following worship, we will stay in the sanctuary for a brief presentation of the 2009-2010 budget followed by a vote. All are invited downstairs after the vote for refreshments hosted by the Christian Education Committee.
You are invited to NICA meeting Sunday following refreshments. We will discuss plans for the February 2010 mission trip. If you are interested and can not attend the meeting, please speak with either Tom Vawter or Dave Spertner.
The Mission Committee will begin sign-ups for the Thanksgiving Basket offerings this Sunday. Volunteers are needed for delivering baskets with the youth.
The Book Discussion group will meet on Wednesday, October 28 to discuss Christopher Hedges book Losing Moses on the Freeway.
Watch for your November issue of Keeping Current, coming soon. Inside is an order form for Poinsettias and Wreaths, the NICA fund raiser that helps to decorate our sanctuary for Advent and Christmastide.