God’s Green Earth
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Have you ever considered the Bible to be an ecological handbook?
God created and sustains all living things on earth, and the Bible calls us to bring honor to that creation.
All of our Sunday School classes will learn about God’s call for us to care for the people, animals, food, and love of others on the earth. These lessons will take place during our regular Sunday school class time — from 10 to 11 a.m. All ages are welcome to join us.
- Fill your “Ark” boxes with change – so you can make change in the world!
- Hear a story from Lee Carpenter who went to Heifer International in China.
- Create a project in class that represents your love and care for others.
- Bring your own pet, a picture of your pet or your favorite stuffed animal to Sunday School on November 8th.
- Meet a special guest speaker from Heifer International in Massachusetts.