We invite you to worship with us this Sunday, October 4, The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
Sermon: “Beyond Words” by The Rev. Rob Asinger
Choir: “I Give You a New Commandment” by Peter Aston
Church School: Teachers Wendy Donnell and Susan Tuozollo
Reception: Linda Goetz and Kent Wittler
The Christian Education committee invites you to stop by the Littlehale Room for an Open House on your way to the reception this Sunday .
If you wish to keep your memento from our Thanksgiving Collage, please remove
it Sunday. The deacons will be clearing off and storing the board for next year! If you wish to keep your memento and will not be in church Sunday, please contact a deacon to let them know.
Shared Heart Exhibit: Don’t forget, the date for the Shared Heart exhibit, reception and scripture study has changed to accommodate the students from the Gay/Straight Alliance. The new date is October 18! Reception at 6:00, scripture study at 7:00.
Heifer Farm Visit: Wendy Donnell will be visiting Overlook Farm, 216 Wachusett St., Rutland, MA on Saturday, Oct. 3. She will be at the at the gate at 11:00 a.m. (or come anytime during the day till 4:00 p.m.). Cost is $5.00 per adult, children are free.
Parish Directory Corrections: E-mails for Ginny Rice and Janet Holly are incorrect, please make a note of the new addresses:
Ginny Rice: [email protected]
Janet Holly: [email protected]