Dear friends,
Welcome back. We invite you to worship with us this Sunday, September 13, the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost and Homecoming Sunday. Please remember to bring a memento from your summer experience as well as a photo for our website that shows a spiritual moment you wish to share. Web permission forms will also be collected on Sunday. Sermon: “I Love to Tell the Story.” Offertory: “Jerusalem, My Happy Home.” There will be an Open House in the CE classrooms at 11:15 a.m. for all who are or are interested in teaching this year.
Lunch Bunch will be held on September 13 in the Reception Room. If you are available mid-day, stop in for conversation led by Rev. Asinger.
The Book Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, September 23. Please see your summer newsletter for more information.
Please see the sign-up sheets in the Crocker Chapel for scripture readers and flower donations.
New Parish Directories will be available next Sunday for pick up during the reception. Please use the information contained in them strictly for church business. Thank you.
Sept. 13, Homecoming Sunday
Sept. 16, Lunch Bunch
Sept. 20, Sunday School begins, Mission Moment: Jon Thompson, NICA Mtg.
Sept. 23, 7:30 p.m., Book Discussion Group
7:30 p.m., Mission Meeting